I really love the trasnport system within Bangkok. At your disposal are fast and convienient trains, which cover a decent part of the city, buses, taxis, motorbike taxis, tuk tuks and small trucks which act as short distance buses. If you are near water there are express boats or for smaller passages, canal boats. Anywhere we want to go there is usually someone or something that will take us; a great relief in a hot and humid city like Bangkok.
What has been interesting to notice is the policy for motorbike taxi travel. These guys, and occassionaly girls, are found throughout the city; often at both sides of a long street (or soi in Thai). They wear colourful vests and are used for short distance travel. My question is why is it such a funny question to ask for a helmet? The riders have helmets, often of very good quality. They also often have helmets attached to their bikes but every time we ask for one they laugh. Some bike don't have them, even though it is the law and every passenger I see is not wearing one; foreigners and locals. It is obviously not normal for the passenger but I guess my question is why?
In Vietnam the law to wear helmets is quite new but every time I took a motorbike taxi the rider gave me a helmet. This made sense to me because after a year and a half in Hanoi I can count a handful of deaths or major injuries that were close to me or my friends. Celine and I both had accidents and if we didn't have helmets on I don't know where we would be today.
Why do riders not encourage people to wear helmets and why do passengers not demand them?
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