Friday, March 25, 2011

The amazing Bouillabaisse

The end result

Bouillabaisse is a famous dish from Marseille. It is basically a stew of different kinds of fish served with vegetables. It sounds easy but it took Celine's grandmother two days to prepare - she prepared everything from scratch (although I don't think she went out and caught the fish). Various herbs and spices are needed to bring about the amazing end result.

Preparing the Bouillabaisse

The broth is made into a fish soup which is served with rouille, a kind of mayonnaise and croutons. You smear the croutons with rouille and then pour the soup over the top of it. Outstanding!

After that everyone digs into the Bouillabaisse. I must say that this dish is an absolute must to try if you are ever in the south of France. It was amazing. It is quite expensive at the restaurant - upwards of 50 Euro per person - but is a real experience. This dish has been passed down from generation to generation and would vary from family to family.

Preparing the Bouillabaisse

After stuffing me with exquisite fish and rose wine I had to retire for a few hours to sleep it off. I awoke wanting more.

Thank you Mamie

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